I have just come home after the longest day!! I didn't get to sleep 'til 3 in the morning because people either decide to call or text me at silly-hour, or my body refuses to just shut down for 8 hours - as tired as it may be!
Then, I went to work originally meant to be doing a 3 hour shift, but me being me I kindly covered the rest of my supervisors shift because she was sick and she's a reaaaaaaaaally nice lady - so I ended up working a 6 hour shift in total. "That's only 3 hours more!" I hear you say? But time draaaaaaaaags!
After work, Racheal and me attempted to go out for a drink at Bar 55 down in Camden Town. I say attempted because we queued for an hour before... not being served... so we left! I'm actually really annoyed at that - it really bugged me that after an hour of queuing up the guy takes our order, and then doesn't even make the drinks. Like the what the hell? He even ended up serving people who came after us! Not nice =[
So after LITERALLY standing for 9 and a half hours straight I have come home and am sitting at this desk because I have a new idea for myself =]
Every month I'm going to buy one expensive make up product or products. Blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, mascara etc. etc. and that item or bunch of items will be called my 'Splurge item/s' - because I figured I'm working hard for the money, so I deserve that little something at least once a month! I don't have anyone to treat me, so I might as well treat myself ;) hehe
So I wanted to ask you guys if you have any recommendations, let me know! - I'll also probably do a video when I buy the product, and will do a review on it. So if there's something you want a review on but it's too expensive for your liking let me know, and I'll see what I can do. Keep it within limits though people! I'm not gonna spend ridiculous amounts of money like £20 on a mascara - you can get £3.99 ones that work just as well, if not better. Trust me ;)
But let me know - even if it's a product that you use, or have been using and LOVE it! I wanna love it too! hehe
Thanks for reading,
Night night ;)
Friday, 26 March 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Youtube tutorial - Mushroom Blues
Hey guys!
So here are some pictures and a list of all the products I used in the Mushroom Blues tutorial.
Click here to go see the video!
I love this look so much, I've worn it a lot over the past week! I just love the pop of blue at the bottom! And it's a really fun way to incorporate colour into your day look as well... it's not too much! =]
Products used:
GOSH Waterproof Eyeshadow - Love the Beige
Barry M SuperSoft Eye Crayon - No. 5 Purple
Barry M Dazzle Dust - DD51 Mushroom
120 pro palette - Dark grey and blue
Generic White Shimmer Powder
2true Effortless liquid eye liner - Black
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
Collection 2000 Volume Sensation Mascara
Barry M Lip Paint - LP136 Golden Bronze
Barry M Glossy Tubes Lip gloss - Fabulously Nude [limited edition]
Astral Moisturiser
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer - 4 Deep
Thanks for reading,
So here are some pictures and a list of all the products I used in the Mushroom Blues tutorial.
Click here to go see the video!
Products used:
GOSH Waterproof Eyeshadow - Love the Beige
Barry M SuperSoft Eye Crayon - No. 5 Purple
Barry M Dazzle Dust - DD51 Mushroom
120 pro palette - Dark grey and blue
Generic White Shimmer Powder
2true Effortless liquid eye liner - Black
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
Collection 2000 Volume Sensation Mascara
Barry M Lip Paint - LP136 Golden Bronze
Barry M Glossy Tubes Lip gloss - Fabulously Nude [limited edition]
Astral Moisturiser
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer - 4 Deep
Thanks for reading,
Youtube tutorial - "Don't it make my brown eyes blue..."
I had to take this picture on my webcam so the colour pay off isn't as good as it was in real life, but I really do love this look. Very out of my comfort zone, but I like it ;)
So here's a list of all the products:
GOSH Waterproof Eyeshadow - Love That Beige
120 pro palette - all blues
2true effortless liquid eyeliner
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
Collction 2000 Dazzling Gel Liner - 6 Night fever
NYC Ultra Last Lipwear - 413B Rose Gold
GOSH Natural Blush - 39 Electric Pink (not mentioned in the video because I already had a little bit on from the "Get ready quick" tutorial!
Hope you guys like this look as much as I do. Click here for the tutorial!
So here's a list of all the products:
GOSH Waterproof Eyeshadow - Love That Beige
120 pro palette - all blues
2true effortless liquid eyeliner
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
Collction 2000 Dazzling Gel Liner - 6 Night fever
NYC Ultra Last Lipwear - 413B Rose Gold
GOSH Natural Blush - 39 Electric Pink (not mentioned in the video because I already had a little bit on from the "Get ready quick" tutorial!
Hope you guys like this look as much as I do. Click here for the tutorial!
120 pro palette,
make up,
Youtube tutorial - Get ready quick.
Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of this look because my camera refused to co-operate with me (basically, the battery died and it takes forever to charge! lol) so here's the product information instead:
Astral Moisturiser
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer - 4 Deep
GOSH Natural Blush - 39 Electric Pink
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer - 4 Deep
Collection 2000 Trio Eyeshadow - 20 Eclipse
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
Collection 2000 Volume Sensation Mascara - 1 Black
Barry M Lip Paint - LP136 Golden Bronze
Barry M Limited Edition Lip Glos - LE1
This look was requested by chweety16. It was requested that I do a look suitable for early risers and busy bee's or even teenagers getting ready for school.
I will put up pictures of the looks that I do from now on, but for now, click here to go watch the video! =]
Astral Moisturiser
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer - 4 Deep
GOSH Natural Blush - 39 Electric Pink
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer - 4 Deep
Collection 2000 Trio Eyeshadow - 20 Eclipse
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
Collection 2000 Volume Sensation Mascara - 1 Black
Barry M Lip Paint - LP136 Golden Bronze
Barry M Limited Edition Lip Glos - LE1
This look was requested by chweety16. It was requested that I do a look suitable for early risers and busy bee's or even teenagers getting ready for school.
I will put up pictures of the looks that I do from now on, but for now, click here to go watch the video! =]
collection 2000,
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Another contest entry for Princess Pinkcat's Rock the runway contest ...

I found this picture by pure coincidence while looking for a picture of her with mad, crazy, colourful make up - the type of make up she used to wear when she was a hit punk rocker in the 80s! But instead - I came across this. It might be a recent picture of her as an actress instead of a punk rocker, but I think it's totally legit for the runway!
I have to say, this contest entry took me the longest to do out of all of them. Even longer than that Venetian Mask that I did, if anyone knows what I'm on about. That one had loads of dots to put around the design, and I thought that was intricate work. Although it may not seem difficult to do (and probably isn't for those of you who were born artists) but the line design on the forehead took me forever to do! And I used a new special little technique that I've recently learnt (im probably late with it, I always am lol) ;) ... but it still took forever, 'cause I just could NOT do the little swirl bit. So I decided to give up and alter the design a bit. You can tell...
Products Used:
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP25 Red
120 Pro Palette - Red
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
120 Pro Palette - Black
Barry M Dazzle Dust - DD66 Black (Black Lines)
Collection 2000 Dazzling Gel Liner - 11 Shake it up! (glitter liner over black lines)
2true Eye shadow Dazzlers - Shade No. 9 (Blue lines)
Collection 2000 Dazzling Gel Liner - 6 Night Fever (glitter liner over blue lines)
Barry M Dazzle Dust - DD44 Bronze (Gold area between blue lines)
GOSH Extreme Art Eyeliner - No. 08 (Blue dot in middle of forehead)
120 Pro Palette - White (White streak between lines by temples)
*I used vaseline to make the pigments a coloured liner. Just take a little bit of vaseline onto the back of your hand and mix your preferred coloured pigment into it to make it almost like a gel liner. Simple! =]
Astral Moisturiser
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer - 4 Deep
Barry M Lip Liner - LL3 Red
NYC Ultra Last Lipwear - 402B Red Flame
Clear lip gloss
That's everything I used, and even the new little technique that I've learnt with vaseline and pigments hehe.
I'll leave you with some more pictures now. Click here to go check out the contest video if you feel to, it's only me talking a little bit about what I did! =]
Thanks for reading,
120 pro palette,
barry m,
collection 2000,
dazzle dust,
make up,
princess pinkcat,
Friday, 19 March 2010
This week has been SUCH a mad week! I think, for me, this week is the ultimate definition of hard-work!!
Monday I didn't have uni so I decided to stay home ALL day to get some studying and coursework done... so I did! I revised hard and finished the coursework - only to be told that we had been given an extension. That annoyed me. Don't you just hate it when that happens? No? lol... But at the same time I was happy that it was done and dusted so I didn't have to worry about it!
Tuesday I stayed in all day again and got another piece of coursework ... half finished... coz it bored me after a while haha... That so isn't a good excuse but it is certainly the truth =P
Wednesday I started work! =D Yay me! hehe... it was a lot of fun, I must admit. Especially working behind the till! Having said that, I have never been so confused as to what buttons to press EVER in my life before! The supervisor soooo kindly showed me all the buttons and how they related to all the products but there was just so much to take in! Looool! So whenever a customer wanted to buy something, and I didn't know what it was listed under on the till I had to call for help - but everyone I work with are such nice people. Like literally, I thought nice people were a minority until I met my colleagues (oooo look at me, I have colleagues now HAHA) ... Wednesday was just a trial run, but I got my uniform, which is literally a black polo shirt that says STAFF on it under the logo of where I work. All in all I really enjoyed myself - and I officially start working shifts on the 29th of March! Woohoo! =D
Thursday I had uni, but a very very long day at uni! I was up at like, 5am, studying for my exam that morning and didn't get home from uni 'til 9pm! So it was a very long and tiring day.
And last but not least, today (Friday) has probably been the worst day this week. Even above the long hours and forgetting buttons and not getting enough sleep because of the late nights and early mornings, today was hurrendous! Firstly, it was one of those days where you wake up happy, thinking something good is gonna come out of the day and then it gets progressively worse. You know the kinda days I'm on about? ... It's like those days where you wake up and see the sun shining with all it's glory and then the minute you step out your front door it starts raining like there's been drought for the last decade or so! You know? ... THEN I went into uni and lectures were massively boring, so I decided to slip away early hehe ;) ... and for the rest of the day people, in general, have just been adgetating me.
It's just like, you know when you've been nothing but nice to a person, and they've realised that so they start to take advantage of it? And then you feel bad to say something because it may come across mean and you kinda don't want to ruin your 'image'? ... That and the amount of hypocrites in this world just aggravates me! Lol
And to top it ALL off, even though I have a job now, I am still broke! Lol... Can't wait 'til I get my first pay cheque so I can just go celebrate - even though it'll just mean I'm broke again... but it's all for a good cause ;) haha - And I have blisters on my feet, and I got a splinter in my thumb yesterday lol... what next? xD
Anyway, I got to relax tonight - Thank God! Had a lovely bubble bath with the LUSH Creamy Candy Bubble Bar [So keep your peepers open for that review ;)] and listened to some amaaaaaaazing Jose Gonzales to calm me down and keep mind and body nice and relaxed hehe!
Take care all, and have a lovely weekend. I have the next 3/4 weeks off from uni so expect more tutorials INCLUDING a 5 min tutorial for busy peoplez (sorry it's so late Chweety)!!
Thanks for reading,
bubble bar,
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Happy Mother's Day! =]

Can you honestly believe it's been a MONTH since Valentine's day? ONE WHOLE MONTH!! Lol... I can't believe how fast it's gone. I remember complaining about Valentine's Day like it was yesterday... but yesterday I was complaining about Mothers day and how much money I have to spend - money that I really don't have! Haha
So, my dad [the good ol' bank of Daddy], my brother and me got our mummy a nice big buncha red roses, a card, a nice box of Fererro Roche (is that how you spell it? lol) and my little brother and me made her some butterfly fairy cakes hehe. She's enjoyed the day so far, and she loved all the presents so, so far, so good!
Pink Butterfly Fairy Cakes- Buttercream icing in the middle =]
Hope everyone enjoys their Mother's Day! =]
Thanks for reading,
Contest Entry - Rocking The Runway With Princess PinkCat
I was so not in the mood for make up when I woke up this morning. I had a shower, spent some time with the mother (Happy Mother's Day =D) and then I saw myself in the mirror and thought 'AHH! NEED MAKE UP!' haha... so I started playing around with my 120 pro palette, trying to come up with something and created this look:
Since it's kinda jazzy and funky, I thought I'd use it as my contest entry, for Princess Pinkcat rocking the runway contest! =]
Products used:
Barry M Fine Glitter Dust - FGD24 Toffee
120 pro palette - Purple, Grey and Pink
2true Effortless Waterproof Eyeliner - Black
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
Collection 2000 Dazzling Gel Liner - 11 Shake it up!
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP10 Gold
L'oreal Double Extension Beauty Tubes Technology Mascara - Black
Astral Original Moisturiser
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer- 4 Deep
Collection 2000 Pressed Powder - 2 Tender Touch
GOSH Natural Blush - 39 Electric Pink
Lush Sugar Lip Scrub - Bubblegum
Vaseline - Aloe Vera
NYC Lip Liner Pencil - 956
GOSH Velvet Touch Lipstick - 127 Mulberry
The standard of everyone elses entries are amazing and extravagant so I wanted to keep it simple to show that 'Rocking the Runway' doesn't always mean extravagant... having said that I don't think I'll win coz as I said, everyone elses is so amazing! But I'm glad I entered! PrincessPinkcat was my first ever subscriber so from here on out, I will enter every single one of her contests!! Lol ... This wasn't really my original idea but maybe I'll enter with that later on as she's extended the contest hehe. So for now, this is my entry! =D
Thanks again to PrincessPinkcat for holding the contest, and good luck to everyone who's entered! =D
If you wanna enter yourself, click here!
For more pictures visit my facebook!
Here are a few more pics for you =] ... comment and let me know if you think I should do a tutorial for it, if not, lemme know what you think of it anyway! =D
Thanks for reading,
Since it's kinda jazzy and funky, I thought I'd use it as my contest entry, for Princess Pinkcat rocking the runway contest! =]
Products used:
Barry M Fine Glitter Dust - FGD24 Toffee
120 pro palette - Purple, Grey and Pink
2true Effortless Waterproof Eyeliner - Black
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black
Collection 2000 Dazzling Gel Liner - 11 Shake it up!
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP10 Gold
L'oreal Double Extension Beauty Tubes Technology Mascara - Black
Astral Original Moisturiser
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer- 4 Deep
Collection 2000 Pressed Powder - 2 Tender Touch
GOSH Natural Blush - 39 Electric Pink
Lush Sugar Lip Scrub - Bubblegum
Vaseline - Aloe Vera
NYC Lip Liner Pencil - 956
GOSH Velvet Touch Lipstick - 127 Mulberry
The standard of everyone elses entries are amazing and extravagant so I wanted to keep it simple to show that 'Rocking the Runway' doesn't always mean extravagant... having said that I don't think I'll win coz as I said, everyone elses is so amazing! But I'm glad I entered! PrincessPinkcat was my first ever subscriber so from here on out, I will enter every single one of her contests!! Lol ... This wasn't really my original idea but maybe I'll enter with that later on as she's extended the contest hehe. So for now, this is my entry! =D
Thanks again to PrincessPinkcat for holding the contest, and good luck to everyone who's entered! =D
If you wanna enter yourself, click here!
For more pictures visit my facebook!
Here are a few more pics for you =] ... comment and let me know if you think I should do a tutorial for it, if not, lemme know what you think of it anyway! =D
Thanks for reading,
120 pro palette,
barry m,
collection 2000,
dazzle dust,
lip stick,
princess pinkcat,
Saturday, 13 March 2010
So great to finally be smiling again! =D
If you know me well, or you're just a lovely person to talk to and easy to get on with, you probably know that the last 5/6 months have been Hell for me. I know I've probably been really miserable and annoying to be around haha, but so much has happened in these past few months that have just helped me get through it all and I have massive thank you's to say! First to Racheal (one of the bestest mates ever), Rob (for just having a go at me every time I have a relapse - it's like Rehab for the depressed HAHA) and everyone else from uni who have put up with all my high's and low's ... possibly more low's than high's! And I have to say thank you to Kandee Johnson as well... Honestly! I don't know her, never met her in my life... or vice versa... but I read her blog posts and they just inspire me to smile everytime =D! ...
I'm not gonna lie... most days I've woken up and thought "You have to smile today, Chanel or people are just gonna stop talking to you!!" even though I didn't want to smile ... and I tried hard to smile during the day even though I didn't really want to deep down inside... but I knew that I HAD to want to otherwise I probably never would smile again. If that makes any sense? Like, when you know you don't wanna do something, so you don't. But you know you have to WANT to do it because you have to get it done and wanting to do that thing is your only incentive! Get it? I hope that makes sense haha!
Moving on from all the thank you's and confusing-ness, I have to say that last night was probably the best night out I've had in SOOOO long and for once during the 5/6 months of being miserable, I found myself smiling... and I mean REALLY smiling. Not faking a smile; not thinking about a happy memory and smiling and then being all down, thinking I'll never have that again; not smiling because everyone else did; I smiled because I was happy on the inside and it showed on the outside! And I loved every minute of it!
So, I'm gonna close here but I'll leave you with some pictures of last night! We went down to China Town for a meal and then to Leicester Square for drinks! I got my face licked (which was very horrible!! haha) and beer spilt on me, my camera AND Edward (my phone =P ... yes I name my valuables! lol) ... but all in all it was an awesome night and I hope it wasn't a one off! =]
Visit/add me on facebook to see more piccies! hehe
Love to everyone who's been there for me through everything! =D
I'm not gonna lie... most days I've woken up and thought "You have to smile today, Chanel or people are just gonna stop talking to you!!" even though I didn't want to smile ... and I tried hard to smile during the day even though I didn't really want to deep down inside... but I knew that I HAD to want to otherwise I probably never would smile again. If that makes any sense? Like, when you know you don't wanna do something, so you don't. But you know you have to WANT to do it because you have to get it done and wanting to do that thing is your only incentive! Get it? I hope that makes sense haha!
Moving on from all the thank you's and confusing-ness, I have to say that last night was probably the best night out I've had in SOOOO long and for once during the 5/6 months of being miserable, I found myself smiling... and I mean REALLY smiling. Not faking a smile; not thinking about a happy memory and smiling and then being all down, thinking I'll never have that again; not smiling because everyone else did; I smiled because I was happy on the inside and it showed on the outside! And I loved every minute of it!
So, I'm gonna close here but I'll leave you with some pictures of last night! We went down to China Town for a meal and then to Leicester Square for drinks! I got my face licked (which was very horrible!! haha) and beer spilt on me, my camera AND Edward (my phone =P ... yes I name my valuables! lol) ... but all in all it was an awesome night and I hope it wasn't a one off! =]
Visit/add me on facebook to see more piccies! hehe
Love to everyone who's been there for me through everything! =D
Everyone minus me! Lol - Liam, Kasia, Vincenzo, Szymon and Anna <3
Kasia and Me! <3
Vincenzo and Me! <3
Liam, (drunk) Szymon and Anna <3
Vincenzo, Kasia and Szymon <3
Thanks for reading,
china town,
kandee johnson,
leicester square,
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Flashback to the 90's
Today has been a GOOD day! A very very good day! ... It's probably the first time I've had a permanent smile on my face in almost 5, maybe 6 months and NOTHING has wiped it off =] ... This morning I got a call from someone who offered me a job so I am very very happy about that and other things put a smile on my face as well ;)... but now I'm thinking positive! =D ... Things can only get better hehe! Yay!
After I did about 3 hours of revision today, I decided to dig through some old pictures and other things and it just got me reminiscing about the 90's (since I am a true 90's kid haha). I started thinking about all the old and CLASSIC Disney movies... they were honestly some of the BEST disney movies ever around in the 90's... I have to say Toy Story was and still IS the best! Although I'm sure it freaked out a lot of kids... but I thought it was just an absolutely amazing movie!! hehe ... Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Aladdin, Pocohontas, Jungle Book, The Lion King ... and sooooo many others... they're just all classics. I think the only recent-ish one that comes close is probably Cars...! ... I love that movie so much haha... the music's awesome in it! xD ... AND WHO REMEMBERS 'THE FOX AND THE HOUND'?!?!? How sad was that movie?!? ... But I think if any Disney movie is to make you cry it has to be Bambi!! Lol ... Screw the conspiracy theories about Disney!! The movies were just AH-MAY-ZIIIIING!
Moving on to other things in the 90s hehe... I know probably every girl had at least ONE Barbie and every boy probably had an Action Man... who remembers THOSE?? haha ... I was just a Barbie fanatic! I had 26 barbies, I had 5 or 6 of the little kids, I had a couple of Ken's, I had all the 'sets' (beach sets, kitchen sets, bathroom sets) ... And I remember buying a new outfit for at least one of my barbies every week! (Because then things like that were cheap from Toy Stores lol)
ANNNNNNNNND who remembers Pogs? Haha... and Tamagotchi's (which did NOT cost £10 for one in those days!!!)... and those weird Alien things that if you apparently put in the same egg together we all thought we'd get a baby alien?
So we've covered movies, toys... what about TV shows? ... Nickelodeon was awesome then... it's rubbish now haha... Kenan and Kel was AMAZING! I will never forget that show... My dad and me used to watch it whenever it was on... Tia and Tamira?? Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and I don't mean the cartoon version. I mean the REAL version where they had a special towel closet and they had Salem the AMAZING talking cat =D haha!! ... RUGRATS!!?? Omg... I miss the Rugrats =[ lol ... There's so many more that I could just sit here and list but I'd be here til next century haha
And I have to throw this in... The 'Spice Girls' !! ... Weren't they just awesome? Haha... I had everything Spice Girls! Spice Girls t-shirt, bags, underwear, pencil cases and all the other stationary accesories, I even had that movie they made! Remember that?!?
The 90's were truly the best. I miss it so much!! Lol... Who else does?!?!?
Thanks for reading,
P.S. POWER RANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]
Monday, 8 March 2010
Miscellaneous - 08.03.2010
Today has been a somewhat long, tiring but still enjoyable day. This morning I was up at half past five and had to travel into Central London with barely any make up on (not a good sight for anyone to be honest!! haha) ... I was asked by my best friend Racheal to take part in her exam as a client (she's training to be a beautician =D) so I [obviously] said 'HELL YES!!' Haha... so that's the reason for going to Central London with the minimal amount of make-up on.
By 9:15am the other clients and myself were all ready to be pampered, and that we were! Facial massage, pedicure, waxing (even though I have one hairy leg *coz we had to grow our hair especially for the day* and one non hairy leg - Haha!! xD), body massage and so much more. And believe it or not, lying on a massage bed all day really tires you out! I can't imagine how the actual beauticians lasted all day! - Having said that I'm sure they all did a great job and passed with flying colours =D ... So a big thank you to Racheal (my best mate) for letting me take part and also for choosing to become a beautician - It's gonna save me a lot of money haha ;) ... Ive had a long and not so great weekend so today helped me SO much =]
I also got home and read something that somewhat got to me. Amanda (xoxoshorteexoxo) sent me a message and a link on facebook... here's the link so you guys can read it too and then read my mini rant on it below:
So... firstly I have to thank Amanda for sending me this link! Secondly, I hate the fact that someone has gone out of their way to stereotypically insult all the 'beauty gurus' (or whatever you wanna call yourselves).
The part that really gets to me:
"Haul vloggers seem to be primarily of one species: the girl who flatirons her hair, wears too-thick eye shimmer up to her eyebrows, drowns in eyeliner, and gets her brows waxed regularly. She also wears trendy-but-ugly nail polish and probably gets chemical peels at regular monthly intervals."
I can vouch for myself and the other guru's on youtube, WE DO NOT DO THAT!! If anything, we're here to tell people NOT to wear the "too-thick eye shimmer up to her eyebrows" ... and all the rest of it. I can honestly say that I have never had a chemical peel... and don't intend to!! And define 'trendy-but-ugly nail polish'? ... I really think the person who wrote this needs to get their facts straight before they go slagging off acan I say? community? of people because there are people out there that DO watch these videos and they do actually take the advice that these guru's on youtube are giving them... whether it's about fashion or make up - if these people want to watch and listen, then why should the people MAKING the videos be criticised and why should the people watching them be made to feel 'stupid' for doing so!
Anyways.. Im gonna carry on watching FRIENDS now and then Im gonna visit the land of nod, ready for my booooooooooring lecture tomorrow morning haha
Thanks for reading, this one was pretty long huh? Sorry :P
Least you guys have something to read if you can't get to sleep. No need for sleeping pills! Haha!
By 9:15am the other clients and myself were all ready to be pampered, and that we were! Facial massage, pedicure, waxing (even though I have one hairy leg *coz we had to grow our hair especially for the day* and one non hairy leg - Haha!! xD), body massage and so much more. And believe it or not, lying on a massage bed all day really tires you out! I can't imagine how the actual beauticians lasted all day! - Having said that I'm sure they all did a great job and passed with flying colours =D ... So a big thank you to Racheal (my best mate) for letting me take part and also for choosing to become a beautician - It's gonna save me a lot of money haha ;) ... Ive had a long and not so great weekend so today helped me SO much =]
Racheal and Me <3
I also got home and read something that somewhat got to me. Amanda (xoxoshorteexoxo) sent me a message and a link on facebook... here's the link so you guys can read it too and then read my mini rant on it below:
So... firstly I have to thank Amanda for sending me this link! Secondly, I hate the fact that someone has gone out of their way to stereotypically insult all the 'beauty gurus' (or whatever you wanna call yourselves).
The part that really gets to me:
"Haul vloggers seem to be primarily of one species: the girl who flatirons her hair, wears too-thick eye shimmer up to her eyebrows, drowns in eyeliner, and gets her brows waxed regularly. She also wears trendy-but-ugly nail polish and probably gets chemical peels at regular monthly intervals."
I can vouch for myself and the other guru's on youtube, WE DO NOT DO THAT!! If anything, we're here to tell people NOT to wear the "too-thick eye shimmer up to her eyebrows" ... and all the rest of it. I can honestly say that I have never had a chemical peel... and don't intend to!! And define 'trendy-but-ugly nail polish'? ... I really think the person who wrote this needs to get their facts straight before they go slagging off a
Anyways.. Im gonna carry on watching FRIENDS now and then Im gonna visit the land of nod, ready for my booooooooooring lecture tomorrow morning haha
Thanks for reading, this one was pretty long huh? Sorry :P
Least you guys have something to read if you can't get to sleep. No need for sleeping pills! Haha!
make up,
nail polish,
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Smokey Chocolate...
...and no I dont mean that literally lol. I did a new tutorial today and it's for the look that I was wearing in my Feb's Fab Faves! video.
I got fed up of wearing black eyeshadow all over my eye so I thought I'd go for brown instead, and it's turned out better than the black... I think so anyway =P
Personally... I would wear this look during the day (as with the all black look). But the all black look can border on emo if you wear it too dark or wear it too much! Lol... Not that that's a bad thing ... I have nothing against emo's ;) ... but I get bored easily - well, when it comes to make up anyway (always need a new look)! Haha =P ... But yeah as I was saying - I would definitley wear this look out and about during the day, just because it is a lot more toned down than the all black. But don't get me wrong... I still think the all black look is totally sexy, but Im not planning on seducing anyone, anytime soon! ... Or am I? ;P
So anyways moving on... this look, I find, is a lot more simple to do than the Valentines Day Tutorial 2- Sexy black and red smokey eye! and it only involes using a few products too:
Barry M Dazzle Dust - DD53 Chocolate (or any other dark brown eyeshadow you may have that has slight shimmer in it with a copper undertone)
120 Pro Palette - Copper colour (or any other copper you may have - doesn't need to be shimmery or anything... just as long as it's copper)
Barry M Kohl Pencil - KP1 Black (or basically just a standard black eye liner - you can use pencil, liquid, gel ... anything!)
L'oreal double extension mascara - beauty tubes technology (or any other mascara of your choice =] )
And that's everything you need! So once you've got all of that, click here to find out how to get the look and you're ready! - There's also a little cheeky wink from me to you in that video too ... just coz I felt cheeky ;) haha
Thanks for reading,
120 pro palette,
barry m,
collection 2000,
dazzle dust,
make up,
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Today has been SUCH a long day and I only got home about an hour ago (it's 21:10 here now) but I wanted to write something on here... even though no one probably actually reads this stuff hehe.
I soooooooooooooooo didn't wanna get out of bed this morning... my room was sooo cold and I was so warm underneath my bed covers, I must have hit the snooze button on my phone alarm like 5 times before it literally didn't have a snooze button to press anymore HAHA - sneaky phone! xD ... And as a consequence, I was a whole 10 minutes late to my assessed practical at uni (you think I've learned my lesson now? Haha)... which could have been potentially the be all and end all of that particular module but I got there and one of the lab technicians was holding the door open and sneakily let me in hehe... she was a very nice woman! And she was wearing the prettiest coral lipstick - which is quite funny coz I'm wearing coral eyeshadow lol!!! xD
The practical was fun though... we were splitting up DNA! Hehe... but now I have a huge write up to do about it due in two weeks ... procrastination is my new best friend! Which is really bad, but hey ho! xD
And THEN, I had a 4 hour lecture on Pharmacokinetics as part of my Drugs and Therapeutics module... which, I have to say, is about the best lecture to have on a Thursday afternoon coz it's SO interesting! But yeah... that was about it. 9 and a half hours at uni straight... 'twas a long day! And on top of that I have to travel the three hours... hour and a half there and back on the HORRIBLE London Underground... and during rush hour - when people officialy release their inner animals!!! It's a true dog-eat-dog world on the London Underground during rush hour! Lol ... AND I have another early start tomorrow, but I finish at 1 so I'm only in for four hours, which isn't too bad hehe.
Im looking forward to doing some videos over the weekend!! =]
Anywhos and wotsits, Ima go and get some sleep now - just to make sure I dont end up hitting the snooze button again tomorrow morning (I say that now, but it'll be a different story when my alarm goes off... it's like the snooze button just screams "PRESS ME CHANEL! PRESS ME!!" Lol) ... omg... how weird would that be if alarm's could talk? O_O Lol
Night night all and to all Night night =]
And Vincenzo gets a special shoutout for his purely kind worded comment today on one of my blog posts! Thanks again Vincenzo! hehe
Thanks for reading,
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
YAY FOR 100!!
All in all it's been an okay day... but Im not gonna sit here and dwell on the bad stuff 'cause as of today I reached 100 subcribers on youtube! =]
I know it sounds really stupid that Im so happy about 100 subscribers, when soooo many youtube guru's out there have like 100,000... but when I first started doing the videos on youtube I was unbelievably self-conscious, had about as much self-confidence as a snail, and honestly thought that I would get more 'haters' than anything else - but I'm so happy I've proved myself wrong and Im happy that Ive gained self-confidence in the process - not so much that I LOVE myself, but just enough so I can get up in the morning and actually look in the mirror haha! Especially, after the last few months I've had! =[
100 subscribers sound like NOTHING compared to the other guru's but I didn't set out to compete against them... I set out to do something that I'd enjoy doing, and I do!! I really really do! hehe
So... I love all my subscribers on youtube - especially all my loyal ones who comment and rate all my videos hehe.
You really don't realise how big a part youtube can actually become in your life. It's really weird - but I'm glad I chose to start doing the videos and I hope I gain more support from everyone on there and on here as well!
Special thanks to Neccie and Amanda - two other youtube guru's who have stuck by me from the very beginning!! Thanks so much for all your support! =]
Thanks for reading,
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