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Friday, 24 September 2010

Miscellaneous: Pointless visits to uni, new weekly swimming vow and NEW HAIRCUT! =D

This week has been a busy week for me. I actually woke up on Monday, annoyed that I had to go into uni to sort out some stuff - like really, my university is so damn unorganised! I got my results about a month later than I should have and I've only JUST been registered for my modules that I've chosen to take this year, which start this coming MONDAY! But it's all sorted now so I'm happy! =D

Tuesday I decided to go for a swim because I hadn't been in a while and I really really really love to swim, so now I've made a vow to start going on a weekly basis. I used to go every week without fail, before I started uni but now I've decided to go again! Yay! =D

This is where I go for my swimmin' =]

This is what I look like after I've had a swim ... attractive no? HAHA

On Wednesday, once again, I decided (stupidly) to go to uni. This time I had to go to a different campus because I had to pick up my NUS Student Card - I travel an HOUR AND A HALF and the bloody office that I have to collect it from is SHUT... even though they have a massive sign on their door saying 'Open from 10am til 4pm) and I got there and 1pm! Another great example of my uni being undeniably stupid unorganised!

Today I got my haircut! YAY! I decided to change my usual side fringe that I think I've had for like... EVER... to a full fringe. And... I LOVE it! =D ... I love my hairdresser... she's amazing... and she's probably the only person I trust with a pair of scissors near my hair! Seriously... I barely trust myself to cut my hair!! Lol ... I also got a great ELF package today that I order a couple of days ago. Click here to watch the haul video! =]

No plans for tomorrow yet, but I'm sure I'll find something to do. After all... I have to show off my new hair cut now haha

Thanks for reading,


Pics of my new haircut:


  1. omg u look well hot in ur new hair cut so edgy i love it ps me n u myt bump into eachother in da pool since dats wer i go for my swims too (when i decide to get bak in der, dat is lol)

  2. Omg wow! Tis a small small world ... and thank you! hehe

