New series time - and it's a series that is easy to stick to (unlike the seven deadly sins series which I STILL haven't finished haha) ... anyway... the whole idea of this series is to share, with you, a look that Ive been wearing pretty much everyday during the month.
Most of these looks probably won't be so great and glam because they'll be more appropriate for day time to go to work/school - since I will probably be wearing these looks to university and work.
Anyway - earlier this month I purchased 'All That Glitters' by MAC - and it was a very welcomed addition to my collection!
List of all the products I used: EYES:
- Urban Decay Primer Potion
- MAC Eyeshadow - All That Glitters, Bisque
- Benefit Bad Gal Eyeliner
- Maybelline One by One Lash Mascara
- Nivea Daily Essentials Moisturiser
- MAC Blush - Darkly My Dear
- Nivea Milk and Honey Lip Balm
- Urban Decay Pocket Rocket - Eric / E.L.F Luscious Liquid Lipstick - Cherry Tart
I've been using the naked palette a lot recently so today I decided to use something different before I hit pan on some of the best eye shadows I own! Hopefully, I'll be purchasing the Naked 2 palette within a couple of weeks... I can't wait!
Anyway, this look uses coppering by MAC - a true, firey copper colour! I love this colour and it is most definitely one of my favourite colours by MAC. I've had it in my collection for a while but I only really wear it in summer or autumn - but today I decided different.
I figured, why do I only have to wear copper colours during autumn? Or a bright colour, like coppering during summer? Why not wear something like this on a gloomy winters day? So, that's exactly what I did.
Here's a list of the products I used:
- MAC Paintpot - Indianwood
- MAC Eye shadow - Coppering, Handwritten, Girlie and Bisque
- Benefit Big Gal Eyeliner (for waterline ... I think this is one step I forgot to mention in the video)
- MAC Fluidline - Blacktrack
- Maybelline One by One Mascara
- MAC Studio Fix Foundation with SPF 15 - NC42
- MAC Blush - Melba (a couple of other options are given in the video)
- MAC Lipglass - Strange Potion (Limited Edition - any other peachy lip colour/gloss will work... or keep your lips nude ;) )
I hope you are all having a lovely day/evening. As I mentioned in the video, the last couple of weeks in London have been horrible - horrible weather with wind and rain. Winds so strong that my neighbours trampoline ended up in our back garden. Wind also makes my skin incredibly dry, very quickly... so I've been wrecking my brain trying to think of something that I can do to keep my skin moisturised during these awful wintry days!
So, you can go watch the video if you wanna find out what I use and how I use them but here's a list of the products mentioned in the video, and where they can be purchased (prices aren't included as they vary): 1. Eau Roma Water Toner - Lush Cosmetics 2. Nivea Visage Daily Essentials Regenerating Night Cream - Superdrug/Boots 3. Nivea Visage Daily Essentials Day Cream with SPF 15 for Dry and Sensitive Skin - Superdrug/Boots 4. Oatifix face mask - Lush Cosmetics 5. Bio-Oil - Superdrug/Boots (you could also probably find this in Tesco's or Sainsbury's etc.)
- also check out the Bio-oil website where you can find out more information about the product!
Something that I forgot to mention in the video is to make sure you don't use too much face powder to set your foundation during the winter months. Of course, it's a must to use a setting powder, but only put it on the areas where you find you sweat a lot - sweat is the bodies natural way to moisturise it's skin so the powder won't dry out your skin if you put it where you sweat.
If you put it in places even where you don't sweat you may find your foundation will look cakey as the day goes on due to your skin drying out! - So keep that in mind!
Other than that, have a wonderful week and here's hoping the you found the video helpful/useful!
In my Get To Know Me Video I was asked to name a few things that I'm really loving at the moment, but because I didn't want to make the video too long (it ended up being long with out my list of goodies) I decided to post a blog and show you some of the stuff that I absolutely loooooooove at the moment - not all of them being make up! This way I can show you pictures, and it doesn't have a time/length limit!
Enjoy ;)
These are two of my favourite eyeshadows at the moment. The top one (Bisque) and the bottom one (Blackberry) - both by MAC and they're both matte. I'm very into matte eyeshadows at the moment so these fit right in. I love bisque mainly for highlight or I use these both together for a really simple day look with bisque all over the lid and blackberry in the crease ... maybe with a little bit of wedge or espresso (also both eyeshadows by mac) to define the crease a little bit more!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
So, anyone who knows me, knows I love orange - and since last year I have loved big bags coz they're just so handy to have and I looooove them. So when I saw this in New Look I pretty much HAD to invest! Such an amazing bag. I love it. You can wear it two ways - across your body or just on your shoulder - because it has the longer strap and the shorter handles. I love it! I use it for uni and it's just really amazing!
This is a very new found love. My mama and papa got this acer netbook for me for Christmas and I'm in love with it. Not because it's a Christmas presents and you have to pretend to like/love Christmas presents but because I genuinely love it. My parents knew that I had wanted one for ages and they both tricked me into thinking I wasn't gonna get it for Christmas because they claimed they couldn't afford it. And I know it was a stretch for their purse strings so I'm even more thankful <3
I bought this ring last summer, like most of my junk jewellery, I bought this from New Look. I love the design! I fell in love with it pretty much as soon as I set my eyes on it! It's such a beautiful ring. I don't wear it much in the winter for a few reasons: mainly because the points hurt my cold hands but also because you can't wear gloves over this huge, but amazingly beautiful ring! =]
Love them? Aren't they sexy? I bought these on sale from Linzi - orignally £30 (i think... could be more) but I paid only £20 and I thought that was a bargain. Plus, I had wanted a pair of ankle boots with a wedge heel for ages so these finally made into my footwear collection ;)
Last but not least, my best friend bought these for me for my 21st birthday. Again, anyone who knows me will know that I LOOOOOOVE anything me to you - but I'm not a big fan of slippers. These however, aside from being 'Me To You', are so soft and comfortable and I love them. I have to admit, I do still wear my socks around the house but these are the first pair of slippers that I've actually stuck to wearing on a day to day basis!
Hope you guys enjoyed me sharing some of my current loves at the moment!
I don't know about you guys but bringing in the new year is always very bittersweet - purely because most of the time I look back on the year and realised how little I achieved, but it's a nice moment because every year I spend it with the family and that's always so lovely. I also look back and think 'did I actually achieve any of my new years resolutions?' and I can safely say that last year, I didn't. I did however get through my second year at university so this year, I didn't feel like crying at the stroke of midnight because for once, I actually felt as if I had achieved something great - which is always a good sign =]
So, I was just wondering what everyone's new years resolutions are? Hoping that they stray away from the typical "I wanna lose weight" or "I wanna make more money".
The hope for 2012, personally, is to graduate from uni with a 2:1 or above - that HAS to be my main priority this year. Apart from that, I'm hoping to go on a couple of holidays this year with friends and family because for me, the last 2 years have been STUDY STUDY STUDY! Hopefully, this year, I'll be able to relax a little bit.
And the second most important resolution this year is to be more regular on YouTube! It was so touching to see how many people actually missed me throughout the time I was gone on YouTube... I would never have thought it at all! But, I promise I'm definitely going to make time for YouTube this year - no excuses!! Hopefully I'm gonna post at least once or twice a week - anything more than that will be a bonus or after my exams are over =]
Anyway... here's hoping you all had a lovely night last night, celebrating in your own special way and thinking about your new years resolutions and/or hopes. If you have to have one resolution make it 'to always stay hopeful and positive' - and that's one thing that I can share with all of you through my experiences of 2011 which are safely in the past!
Love you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR once again! See you all on youtube soon ;)