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Friday, 19 February 2010

I am who I am!

So this is my new blog ... exciting no? =] Lol
I opened this blog account a couple of days ago just to follow some other blogs on here like Kandee Johnson's AWESOME and very inspiring blog, for example - but I figured I'd have to start writing something on here eventually, and thought tonight would be a pretty good start!
Tonight, I must admit, I'm slightly angry and upset - and the reason is why I have chosen to write this blog...

One thing I dislike the most in a person is ignorance, and it just seems to be spreading exponentially around this world which upsets me. As it seems, people are becoming less and less knowledgeable about what's going on in this world on a wider scale, and are more interested in what's going on around them in their own little bubble. And while it's all very well and good to live in your own little bubble, sometimes you do have to pop it and realise that there is actually a world of people around you.
This world has become so diverse, that us humans group together and constantly think up stereotypes for each group – yet if one group offers up a taste of their own medicine to another, it’s bitter!
Now, growing up as someone from Indian decent (being Anglo-Indian) and having the colour of my skin I’ve been called all the names under the sun and eventually you do learn to deal with it. But tonight I got asked by someone ‘If you’re Indian, why aren’t you Hindu or Muslim?’ and that instantly got to me. I literally could not even answer that question. It’s like asking someone ‘If you weren’t born in this country, why are you in this country?’ – I mean, every individual has the right to choose. Whether it’s choosing something as simple as a colour to paint with or your religion, you have the right. But people just automatically assume that most Indian’s are Hindu or Muslim or that Irish people are all Catholic, so on and so forth. And the ignorance moves even further away from having your ethnicity related to your religion. Like the obvious racism, or ageism or even sexism etc. - So eventually my simple answer to the person was “I’m not Indian. I’m Anglo-Indian.”
Anyway, I could probably sit here and ramble on about this for a very long time, constantly playing devils advocate with myself but my point is that as long as you are proud of who you are and what you believe in, and if you always follow what you believe in and don’t play up to stereotypes you can go a long way and get to where ever you want to be and BE who ever you want to be – because at the end of the day you are who you are and you should NEVER let anyone else tell you otherwise!

Thanks for reading,

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